Here are my top five favourite things this week.
1. The stationary exersaucer
We have two, one is Fisher Price and one is Baby Einstein, and we love them. Bryleigh can go into one of those and keep herself occupied as long as she can see us. If I walk into the next room to put away some clothes or check on dinner, she gets upset, but as long as she can see either me or A in the room with her, she’ll sit and play by herself for quite some time! Don’t get me wrong, I love holding my daughter and interacting with her one on one, but sometimes my arms need a break, or I have other things that need to be done around the house! For instance, yesterday we were decorating the Christmas tree, and Bryleigh sat and played in her Baby Einstein excersaucer (wearing a Christmas onesie and a Santa hat, I might add) until we finished. It was a life-saver!
2. The snot-sucker
This thing is truly amazing. It’s a small tube that you can stick into your baby’s nose, and the other end goes into your mouth so that you can literally suck the snot our of her nose. I know it sounds disgusting, but there is a hygienic filter to keep anything from going up into your mouth. We use Little Noses Saline Drops, four drops in each nostril, then massage her nose a little as we wait 10 seconds and then we use the snot sucker. You wouldn’t believe how much comes out and much better Bryleigh breathes. I’ll be glad when she gets over this daycare crud, but until then, I’m so glad I have the snot-sucker!
3. Lansinoh breast pads
These are just the best. I’ve tried other brands (read: cheaper brands), but nothing compares to the Lansinoh. Never, never buy the Johnson’s brand unless you want to look like you have three-foot nipples. They are very thick and have a “nipple pocket” built in, but you can actually see that through your clothes! Lansinoh are thin, breathable, and comfortable. Hands down, the best disposables on the market.
4. Dymo label maker
I use this to label all Bryleigh’s bottles for daycare. Each bottle has to have four labels on it:
So I have each one formatted and stored, and each night as I’m preparing her bottles for the next day, I just skim through and print what I need. Only use the plastic label tape, though. The paper of course leaves a sticky, messy papery residue on the bottles.
5. Robeez baby shoes
These are the only ones that stay on the little tyke’s feet! Bryleigh has one pair that her grandparents bought her. They’re brown with some pink very unfortunate-looking bunnies on them. Not what I would have chose for her, but with it being so cold now, she wears them every day. This is going to my new go-to baby gift to people from now on. You can cuter ones on their website.