Sorry for the hiatus. I have been swamped at work, and my lunch hours are filled with visiting Bryleigh at the daycare and/or running Christmas shopping errands. My evenings are filled with playing with Bryleigh during the short time I have with her, and then cleaning, feeding and putting her to bed, and then wrapping Christmas presents! Christmastime is such a fun time, but so stressful and busy!
So Bryleigh sat up for the first time today, and I missed it because she’s a daycare. Her teacher, Miss I___, sent me a picture of her sitting up all by herself and playing with blocks! I hate that I’m missing her firsts, though. What happens if she takes her first steps or says her first words at daycare? How sad is that?

It got me thinking of Bryleigh’s baby book(s—she has two) and how I need to fill in that special moment. I also need to add the day that she rolled over for the first time (November 14th) and her first belly laugh (October 16th—although I’m pretty sure that one is already there). I need to print the photos of her and put those in, as well. I haven’t been as good about keeping that thing up to date as I’d hoped I would be! I really should carry it in my pump bag so that I can look through it when I’m pumping, as that’s a time when I can guarantee that I’m by myself and have time to do it… I’m going to make that a new year’s resolution!
Speaking of new years, we have no plans. Parenthood kind of put a damper on our New Years Eve celebration this year. We don’t feel as though we could call my parents to babysit since they’ll probably have plans of their own, and we don’t feel comfortable (or rich) enough to hire a babysitter for such a crazy night! So this morning I texted a friend of ours who has a baby just barely older than Bryleigh to see if they want to come over, but I haven’t heard back from her, yet. That’s frustrating. When is it acceptable to text a follow up?
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