Sometimes I like to pretend, when I’m in the shower or an empty elevator or alone in my car, that I’ve been asked to sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, and I really belt it out. Yes, I know all the lyrics; I learned them as a child and used to even know three verses of the song, though I’ve long since forgotten those. There is something so freeing about singing loudly a song you love and that means so much to so many people.
I’ve been trying to be that way with Bryleigh lately. Absolutely and uncontrollably silly, and unafraid of acting like a fool. I grew up being so shy and so worried all the time about what other people thought, and I hate that about myself. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not trying to imply that my own parents were somehow at fault for this flaw in my personality. I’m not saying that at all. I just think if Bryleigh sees Hubs and me being super-duper silly, then maybe it will make her less self-conscious in the long-run. Besides, we can all use a bit more silliness in our lives!
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