It seems like every time things seem to be going so well, the bottom falls out and things go straight to the crapper again. I finally got a call about my new job yesterday, and it turns out that after having offered and received an acceptance for the position, it was rejected at the highest level by the director of finance. Apparently the company was about to be sold, and not only did the sale of the company fall through, but also the CEO of the company resigned, resulting in a drop in share price and a gloomy outlook for the future of the company. They put a temporary freeze on all hiring.
On the other hand, they offered me a temporary contract position—paying twice as much—but with no benefits or paid time off or anything like that. However, it’s only three months.
After much deliberation between A and me, I’ve decided to take it. We can save more during these next three months just in case I am jobless once my term ends, and during my stay there, I will buckle down and start looking hard for a new job—at least an hour every night, and more on the weekends—in hopes that I can have something else lined up as soon as my time is over.
It may sound crazy, but as I said before, I really hate what I’m doing now. Really. Really. Hate it. The new job has better pay and a better title, and despite the hard time the company is facing at the moment, the company is very well known and has a great reputation overall. It will look better on a resume than my coordinator position with The Law Firm right now, and it will get me Out Of Marketing, which is key for my sanity.
So I’m taking a gamble. There’s a chance in three months I may be heading to pick up an unemployment check, but then there’s also a chance that the job could turn into a full time position after three months. I (obviously) would prefer the latter. I have been looking forward to the job so much.
In the meantime, I have already applied for another job and begun that search.
I am praying that all the contract information will come through today or tomorrow so that I can turn in my resignation tomorrow. My boss is going to be out all next week, so it is pretty crucial that we get this taken care of so that I don’t have to resign over the phone!!!