After a year of being off, I have decided to restart my blog. The reasons I quit are many… Not enough time… Not enough energy… Those are the two biggest reasons. But there are other, more important and less mundane reasons, as well.
- I feel that a blog, to be read, must OFFER its readers something.
I’m not talking complimentary wristbands or paperweights or anything like that. And I think it has to be stronger than advice because who’s going to go to a blog to get advice, right? I mean, you use Wikipedia for that. (God help us.)
So I was trying to offer my “Momtastic things”, but to be honest now that Bryleigh is a toddler and getting set in her ways and routine, I’m finding fewer and fewer “Momtastic things” because fewer things are new to me and to my daughter.
Anyway, to get back on topic, my conclusion is this. I still have nothing to offer, but I think the writing will be cathartic for me. So I have decided that I am going to pledge one hour to this five days every week. I will set my timer on my phone and will just go, and if I don’t finish a post in that hour, then I will put it on hold and save it for the next day’s hour. My plan is to do this either first thing in the morning or last thing at night, and I plan to set up my laptop in my guest room at my old wicker desk from college for the occasion, and I will tape things to the wall that I find inspirational.
I will offer my readers nothing and will expect no readers in return! - I have been severely unhappy with my job.
When my husband and I moved from London to Atlanta, we discovered within two weeks that we were pregnant. This proved problematic in that we hadn’t even found a place to live yet.
We were still living in “Corporate Housing” (ie, a tiny little apartment in Midtown paid for by Uncle PwC), and driving rental car (also paid for by Uncle PwC) because we’d sold ours before the overseas move three years prior.
I began applying for jobs and set up the interview with The Law Firm for which I currently work before we’d even received the shipment of all our clothes, meaning the only clothes I had from which to choose to wear to my interview were those that we’d taken with us on our three-month drive through Europe. I wore a black polyester dress with ruffles all over the front, with a black cotton blazer that was slightly faded with wear, and I had to go to Target to get a pair of heels to wear. I am honestly surprised they offered me the job.
After I had my first interview with The Law Firm, I discussed the job with A and decided that I would not take it. It was a huge step down from what I was doing in London, and they’d told me flat out in the in the interview that there was zero chance for advancement in this position. It was in Marketing—something I desperately did not want to do. I’m an editor.
And then we found out I was going to have Bryleigh. We were scared shitless, but what could we do? So we said, okay, that job that I didn’t want? We’ll take it after all.
And we need it yesterday.
So when they called to offer me the position, that’s what I did. And I’ve been miserable ever since.
That unhappiness in my job has also caused unhappiness at home, though. I am miserable at work, and A keeps telling me that I’m going to continue to be unhappy until I buckle down and really work on my resume and portfolio and start looking and applying for jobs. And he means it.
He wants me to come in every evening—which is at 6:30 after picking up the kid and sitting in traffic, by the way—play with kid and the dogs while cooking dinner, give the kid a bath, read her a story, put her to bed, clean the kitchen, feed the dogs, prepare whatever I can of the next night’s dinner, get the coffee ready, prepare Bryleigh’s morning sippycup and the dogs’ breakfasts, pick up the house, do some laundry and then spend whatever time I have left before passing out for the night searching for jobs and working on my resume.
Now, don’t get me wrong—A is not Super Husband, but he’s not Dickhead Husband either. He helps out with some of the stuff above, so I’m not doing everything every night.
But still even if I only do half of the above, it’s usually nine or 10 o’clock by the time it’s all finished, and at that point I’m ready to get in bed, read or watch television for half an hour, and then pass out for the night. What I do not want to do at 10 o’clock at night is fire up our slow-as-Christmas ancient-relic-from-2006 of a computer and start marketing myself to strangers.
And the other problem is that he would do it.
When A puts his mind to something, he does it. He got "let go" from Uncle PwC? Found a better job in a flash (though it didn’t feel like a flash—to him or to me).
Decided to take the GMAT so that he could potentially go back to school and get his MBA? Studied at least two hours if not more every single weeknight and all day every weekend during a beautiful summer that I spent at the pool with the in-laws and the baby, and he passed that GMAT on the first try with flying colours.
Decided to get into Duke’s executive MBA program? Did all the research, the prep work, the interviews, the essays, the begging for recommendations, and so on, and go in—again with flying colours.
I blame the drugs. He takes these wonderful little attention-focusing prescription pills that help him concentrate on the task at hand, whereas I do not. It’s all I can do to sit through a 30-minute television sitcom some nights.
The difference is that he has been diagnosed with an attention problem, and I have not, nor do I think I should be.
When I get home and finish everything that needs to be done, it’s not that I can’t focus on what needs to be done (ie, finding another job); the problem is that I don’t want to do it.
You can never finish what you never start.
So each night, I may want to come home and write a bit for my blog, but I can’t because I know that I should be looking for jobs.
This problem, however, has been fixed. I have found another job. I hope. I have been waiting to receive my official letter since December 22nd. They said it would arrive on December 30th or January 3rd. It still has not arrived. I keep following up with them, and they keep telling me that everything is okay and on track, that they’re just waiting on one signature, but the department is backed up, so just be patient. I am so frustrated I could die. I was supposed to be starting my new job on Monday. Now I wonder if I’ll have even been able to turn in my two-week resignation by then.
Anyway, I am hoping that once (if ever) I start my new job, I will no longer feel guilty about keeping a blog rather than looking for jobs, and I can be cathartic and write an hour a day and be happy.
So I’m blogging again. As I said before, if anyone is reading this, thank you, but until I figure out where this is going, I won’t be offering you anything in return.
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