Friday, 21 January 2011

That's solid, man. Solid.

So we are starting Bryleigh on solid foods this weekend, and I’m kind of nervous about it. It’s just rice cereal mixed with breastmilk, but I have such mixed feelings about it because I know it marks the beginning of the end of an era. I’m going to need to stop breastfeeding soon, and while I rejoice at the thought of no longer having to pump or to worry how what I’m eating will affect Bryleigh, I’m also going to miss it. I mean, that's a really special time between her and me, and while I admit that it's sometimes inconvenient, I still love it.

Now for my confession... I'm also scared to death about forgetting to buy baby food. Sometimes I forget to buy dog food! What if I forget to buy baby food? What if I run out of it somewhere where it’s hard to get? I’ve never had to worry about having baby food on hand because it’s always there!! Does this make me ridiculous?

When I was pregnant I kept having these dreams with the recurring theme that I would leave Bryleigh somewhere—in the car or at the office, at home or at the grocery store. In the dream it would just occur to me all of a sudden, hours after I’d left her wherever she was, that I had a baby and that I was supposed to have picked her up / got her out of the car / brought her with me (depending on where I left her). These dreams always left me with this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, even after I woke up, and that’s how I feel about the forgetting-the-baby-food issue.

I’ve ordered several books from the library about starting babies on solid foods and how to make your own baby food. I think I’d rather make my own baby food than buy the prepackaged stuff, but I need to clean out the freezer of all the breastmilk so there's room to store it. I guess that will happen naturally as I wean Bryleigh (and myself) off the breastfeeding.

Gosh, I’m just so nervous about it. I tried talking to A about it this week, but somehow we ended up getting into a big fight about it because for some reason, he started talking about my quitting breastfeeding right away, which got me all defensive because Bryleigh may be ready, but I don’t think I am!

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